Hypoglycemia Without Diabetes: Causes, Treatment, And Diet How Can You Tell If You Have Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia without diabetes: Causes, treatment, and diet

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Hypoglycemia occurs when lifeblood sugar levels fall dangerously low. It is extra common within people with diabetes, but it can affect others.

In this article, we explore the health conditions beyond diabetes that can cause hypoglycemia. We also look at care options and the dietary changes that can back prevent low lifeblood sugar.

What is hypoglycemia?

Blood sugar

Hypoglycemia is when lifeblood sugar levels are very low.

Hypoglycemia occurs when lifeblood sugar levels drop below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). Severe hypoglycemia can be deathly provided a individual does not accept treatment. Treatments focus on top of returning lifeblood sugar to secure levels.

Blood sugar, or glucose, is the body's chief origin of energy. When levels fall as well low, the build does not have enough energy to purpose fully. This is called hypoglycemia.

Insulin helps the body's cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. A individual with diabetes may grip insulin shots because their build is opposed to insulin or because it does not produce enough.

In people with diabetes, taking as well much insulin can cause lifeblood sugar levels to drop as well low. Not eating enough or exercising as well much at the end of taking insulin can have the identical effect.

However, people who perform not have diabetes can also knowledge hypoglycemia.

Causes of hypoglycemia wanting diabetes

In people wanting diabetes, hypoglycemia can effect from the build producing as well much insulin at the end of a meal, causing lifeblood sugar levels to drop. This is called apathetic hypoglycemia.

Reactive hypoglycemia can be an early symbol of diabetes.

Other health issues can also cause hypoglycemia, including:

Drinking as well much alcohol

When a person's lifeblood sugar levels are low, the pancreas releases a hormone called glucagon.

Glucagon tells the liver to separate to the other end of stored energy. The liver then releases glucose back into the bloodstream to normalize lifeblood sugar levels.

Drinking as well much alcohol can make it tough for the liver to function. It may no longer be experienced to release glucose back into the bloodstream, which can cause impermanent hypoglycemia.


Taking another person's diabetes medicine can cause hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia can also be a side consequence of:

Some groups have an increased risk of medication-induced hypoglycemia, including children and people with kidney failure.


A individual with the eating disorder anorexia may not be consuming enough food for their build to produce sufficient glucose.


Hepatitis is an incendiary condition that affects the liver. Having hepatitis can prevent the liver from employed properly.

If the liver cannot produce or release enough glucose, this can cause problems with lifeblood sugar levels and head to hypoglycemia.

Adrenal or pituitary gland disorders

Problems with the pituitary gland or adrenal glands can cause hypoglycemia because these parts of the build affect the hormones that power glucose production.

Kidney problems

The kidneys back the build process medicine and excrete waste.

If a individual has a problem with their kidneys, medicine can build up within their bloodstream. This type of buildup can alteration lifeblood sugar levels and head to hypoglycemia.

Pancreatic tumor

Pancreatic tumors are rare, but having one can head to hypoglycemia.

Tumors within the pancreas can cause the organ to produce as well much insulin. If insulin levels are as well high, lifeblood sugar levels drive drop.


Dizzy and confused senior woman outdoors.

Dizziness and confusion can be symptoms of hypoglycemia.

When a individual has hypoglycemia, they may feel:

  • shaky
  • dizzy
  • unable to concentrate
  • unable to focus their eyes
  • confused
  • moody
  • hungry

A individual with hypoglycemia may develop a headache or pass out (lose consciousness).

If a individual has hypoglycemia often, they may stop experiencing symptoms. This is called hypoglycemia unawareness.


To diagnose hypoglycemia, a doctor first asks a individual about their symptoms. If the doctor suspects hypoglycemia, they may perform a lifeblood test.

Blood sugar levels below 70 mg/dl can show hypoglycemia.

However, everyone has a different bottom lifeblood sugar level, and the measurement that determines hypoglycemia can vary.

The doctor may use other tests to determine the fundamental cause of low lifeblood sugar.


Pink round tablet supplements

Glucose tablets can back to raise lifeblood sugar levels.

Treating the fundamental cause is the best means to prevent hypoglycemia within the extended term.

In the quick term, receiving glucose helps lifeblood sugar levels return to normal.

According to research from 2014, the best means to treat faint hypoglycemia is to:

  • take 15 grams of glucose
  • wait for 15 minutes
  • measure lifeblood glucose levels again
  • repeat this care provided hypoglycemia persists

There are numerous ways to accept glucose, including:

  • taking a glucose tablet
  • injecting glucose
  • drinking produce juice
  • eating carbohydrates

Eating slow-release carbohydrates may back sustain lifeblood sugar levels.

Non-diabetic hypoglycemia diet

A non-diabetic hypoglycemia provisions can back stay lifeblood sugar levels balanced. The next tips can back to prevent hypoglycemia:

  • eating little meals regularly, rather than three large meals
  • eating each 3 hours
  • eating a diversity of foods, including protein, healthful fats, and fiber
  • avoiding oversweet foods

Carrying a bite to eat at the first symbol of hypoglycemia can prevent lifeblood sugar levels from dipping as well low.

Ultimately, the best means to prevent hypoglycemia is to identify and treat the fundamental cause.

oke discussion concerning Hypoglycemia without diabetes: Causes, treatment, and diet hopefully infothisadding insight thank you

writing this was posted onkategori how can you tell if you have low blood sugar, how do you know if you have low blood sugar, , date12-09-2019

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